All photography provided by Wajdi Hemissi

What is Neurofeedback?   

Neurofeedback is the advanced branch of biofeedback that focuses on the brain and central nervous system by identifying the patterns of neurological stress ("stuckness") and then mirroring them back to the brain. The training allows your brain to recognize and then shift inefficient patterns, thus improving neural flexibility and resilience.

NeurOptimal by Zengar optimizes brain wave frequencies by giving the brain information or "feedback" about how it is operating through EEG technology. Brain wave frequencies exist simultaneously and change depending on activity (deep sleep, dream states, alert awareness, intense focus, etc). Problems occur when the brain cannot shift from or maintain the frequencies required for a particular task. Neurofeedback creates conditions that cause your brain to stop making unwanted frequency shifts and also makes conscious shifts sustainable.  Thus, your brain more easily adjusts to changes and can "bounce back" from negative events. 

How does it work?

It is very simple. You relax while listening to music for 35 to 45 minutes.  Five small sensors are placed at specific areas on the head and ears with conductive paste. The sensors are connected to a computer, which scans 16 target frequencies. When the brain activity shows signs of stress, the music is momentarily interrupted. This subtle cue, the "feedback," alerts your brain that it is operating inefficiently. With repeated training, your brain learns to "reset" itself and function more smoothly. All of this learning is non-invasive and does not require conscious attention. 

Over time, NeurOptimal automatically adjusts to your brain activity, individualizing the training difficulty and naturally improving your brain functioning. When brain activity is optimized, symptoms are alleviated and performance is enhanced.  NeurOptimal recommends an average of 20 sessions to ensure changes are established, however, some individuals feel satisfied with fewer sessions. Noticeable shifts are common within 6-10 sessions.

What are the Results?

Optimal brain functioning! NeurOptimal does not tell the brain what to do or what not to do but provides the brain and nervous system with a moment-by-moment picture of how it is operating, which helps it to work toward self-regulation. When this is accomplished, the individual experiences improved mental performance and a decrease in symptoms, with no drugs, no reliving of trauma, and little to no side effects. People describe clarity, calmness, resilience, decreased self-doubt, lowered anxiety, increased focus, and greater productivity. Because the brain training supports the development of new, more effective neural pathways, the benefits are profound and sustained.

How Often?

One session a week is most common. However, when quicker results are desired, several sessions can be done within a one week time period. The recommendation is to have 24 hours in between sessions to allow the brain to integrate changes. Because the changes are sustainable, missing a session does not affect overall progress. Once the treatment is completed, booster sessions are suggested for some people who may need continued support to maintain progress as daily stress continues to impact the brain's functioning. Typically, boosters occur every 4 to 6 weeks. 

Who is it for? 

Anyone! From ages 2 to 92. This system is safe and can enhance ALL brain functioning. NeurOptimal is used all over the world in a wide range of capacities, such as increasing performance in athletes and creativity in artists, developing better sleep patterns, and supporting the treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism, and traumatic brain injury, as well as various other cognitive, emotional, and physical conditions. NeurOptimal is the most effective and safe brain training system available.

Other conditions that may improve with Neurofeedback

Adults                                 Children

Anxiety                                                               Attachment Trauma

Depression                                                         School Performance

Addictions                                                          Fears

Work Performance                                            Sensory Integration

Memory Loss                                                     Behavior Issues

Grief                                                                   Divorce Adjustment

Seizures                                                              Learning Disabilities

Cognitive Effects of Aging                                Life Transitions

How Are Neurofeedback and Therapy Integrated?

It's like getting two for one! Because the NeurOptimal system does not require conscious attention, a person can receive brain training from the neurofeedback while interacting in a therapy session. The feedback signals are still received by the brain through the music. Speakers are set up in the background, offering a pleasant experience during the session.